The Author Entrepreneur Podcast
This podcast was created for female business owners, coaches, and service providers to answer this question: how can I take what I already know, turn it into a short and simple self-published book, then leverage that book into six and seven figures and beyond? That's the question and this podcast is the answer. Welcome to The Author Entrepreneur Podcast!
The Author Entrepreneur Podcast
Micro Book Method: 5 Essential Stories to Activate the Core Authority Emotions [30]
Hey there! Welcome back to The Author Entrepreneur Podcast. Today we're diving head first into the Micro Book Method. This method is the structured pathway that I teach to build authority with your reader in only 5 chapters.
This episode is for you if you know you want to write a book yet you don't know WHAT to write about, or if you're already writing a book and want to ensure that you have the strategic stories that build authority. Heads up that I'm a bit rusty on this episode, ha!
1. How to activate the core authority emotions within your book: credibility, inspiration, likeability, connection, and encouragement so that your reader is gravitationally pulled back to you and your business.
2. The 5 Essential Stories for your business-building book (and EXACTLY where to place them)
3. My real-life examples from my book Author Entrepreneur so that you can duplicate this framework for your own book
If you liked this episode and want to hear more, make sure you subscribe wherever you listen to your podcasts!
Write your story. Change the world.
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